Open the Guide by pressing the “Xbox” button in the middle.How to Find/View Xbox Account Email using Xbox One S/X Your registered Xbox email appears on the right.Scroll down to the “Your Information” section and choose “Account Security.”.Open the Guide by pressing the “Xbox” button. If the email is not visible, you probably edited the settings to hide this information.Using the Xbox console, you can find your email address by highlighting your “Gamer Tag” or “Gamer ID.” If the email fails to display, continue to “Step 2.”.How to Find/View Xbox Account Email using Xbox 360 If your email is associated with a Family Group, you can have that family member sign in to the account and look up the email address associated with your account. Find Your Primary Xbox Email using Family Group Any emails that include Microsoft billing or Xbox Live information may contain your primary Xbox email address. If you used an alternate email as an additional alias, or have a second one for confirmation emails, check your old messages. Check Alternate Email Accounts to Find Your Primary Xbox Email Once you have the correct email, you can use it to log into your account, change your password, or add an alias email. There are several ways to find the email address you used to sign up for your Xbox account. Xbox Support cannot help you change the address, so you’ll have to try and get into your account. If you’ve lost your Xbox Sign-in email or forgotten the password you used to sign in, changing the old one will be slightly different. Source: Replacing a Lost Xbox Email Address